2021 Fall Meeting

COED Fall Meetings: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

“The times are urgent; let us slow down.”

Hosted online by York University and Sheridan College, November 4–5, 2021

Registration open at Eventbrite until the morning of November 5th. Latecomers welcome!

For registrants looking for event details and links, all information is available through the Eventbrite page once you are registered and signed in. If you have not received reminder emails from Eventbrite or from the COED Exec, you can contact robinsh@yorku.ca

The theme for this year’s Fall Meeting takes its inspiration from the words of Nigerian scholar and public intellectual Bayo Akomolafe: “The times are urgent; let us slow down.” We will focus on both our individual and collective well-being as educational developers with an emphasis on balancing the sense of urgency that we’ve recently experienced, given the complexity of these times and our work. We will explore the importance of doing urgent work carefully and thoughtfully, rather than hastily and reactively. To support this theme, we invite everyone to come to the Fall Meeting in the spirit of curiosity, critical reflection, and open-mindedness.

Given the ongoing influence of the pandemic, this year’s meeting will be held online, and will include both synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for our community to connect across the province.

Here is what we have planned:

Synchronous Events

Wednesday, November 3

Curriculum Community of Practice Meeting (1–4pm)

Thursday, November 4

  • COED Fall Meeting Kick-off (1–2pm)
  • Networking (2–2:30pm)
  • Theme Discussion Panel Session (2:30–4pm)

Friday, November 5

  • Orientation to Day 2 (9:15–9:30am)
  • Membership Roundtable Discussions and Networking (9:30–11am)
  • Next steps and Looking Ahead (11am–12pm)

Asynchronous Participation Opportunities

Saturday, October 30–Friday, November 5

  • Provide institutional updates
  • Review Action Learning Sets (ActLS) and CoP activities and engage in conversation
  • Offer your insights from roundtable discussions

Register at Eventbrite to join us at the Fall Meeting!

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