2020 Fall Meeting

COED Fall Meetings: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

Place and Space in Educational Development

Hosted Online by the University of Waterloo

The COED Fall Meeting has always represented a wonderful opportunity to connect with educational development colleagues from across the province, and we hope to strengthen that sense of community with our approach to this year’s event. Our plan will include both synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for engagement to support the sharing of successes and resources and to promote discussion of current issues in higher education. Our multi-day virtual approach will take place over several days with synchronous sessions on November 4th and 5th, 2020 (Wednesday and Thursday) from 1–4 pm daily.

Our theme in 2020 was the roles of Place and Space in Educational Development. As the roles of place and space in higher education have taken on different dimensions in our current times, we encourage you to consider the implications of these changes on how we plan and carry out day-to-day activities as well as our larger projects. How have our definitions of place and space shifted? How have our conceptions of place and space stretched our thinking about education? Were the roots of change in place pre-COVID? How has the shift to the remote environment changed our work with faculty and, by extension, impacted the position of educational development within higher education?

We invite you to bring your thinking and your experiences to our collective table for discussion and sharing at the COED Fall Meeting 2020!

Curriculum Working Group Pre-Meeting

On Tuesday, November 3rd, the Curriculum Working Group will gather for a half-day virtual meeting focused on 2 key areas: strategies for conducting curriculum work remotely, and calls to action as informed allies and curriculum leaders. Participants will be asked to do a small amount of pre-work prior to the session, the details of which will be sent to registrants in advance. If you’re not a member of the Curriculum Working Group but you’re interested in curriculum development, please register!

Synchronous Sessions

Wednesday, November 4

  • 1–2 pm: COED Fall Meeting Kick-Off
  • 2–2:30 pm: Networking
  • 2:30–4 pm: Theme Panel

Thursday, November 5th

  • 1–2:30 pm: Roundtables
  • 2:30–3 pm: Networking
  • 3–4 pm: COU Update & Looking Ahead

Asynchronous Engagement

All registrants will be adding to a Microsoft Teams site where they can connect with colleagues outside of synchronous sessions, and check in on what other institutions and groups within COED have been up to over the past year. If you are interested in engaging in any of these asynchronous activities, be sure to complete the registration survey!

  • Institutional updates (Padlet & MS Teams)
  • Action Learning Set updates (Padlet & MS Teams)
  • COED Website discussion (MS Teams)

We look forward to seeing you at Waterloo!

COED Fall Meeting Summary

The COED Fall Meeting has always represented a wonderful opportunity to connect with educational development colleagues and the first-ever online Fall Meeting in 2020 hosted by the University of Waterloo honoured that tradition by connecting 124 participants from 46 institutions/organizations across Ontario and beyond!

The COED Fall 2020 Meeting took place over several days with live sessions on November 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2020 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) from 1–4 pm daily. Participants linked to live sessions and participated in a variety of asynchronous engagement opportunities from a central MS Teams hub hosted in the University of Waterloo Microsoft Teams space. Here our community shared resources and exchanged ideas on a wide range of current issues in higher education.

Our live sessions began on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, with the Curriculum Working Group Pre-Meeting, where the discussion focused on two key areas: Strategies for conducting curriculum work remotely, and Calls to action as informed allies and curriculum leaders. On Wednesday, the Fall Meeting officially kicked off with a welcome from the Executive and a look back at the past year in COED. After introducing the theme for the 2020 gathering — the roles of place and space in higher education — we had the opportunity to hear personal reflections from our guest panelists before opening the floor for discussion.

On Thursday, participants had the opportunity to connect with colleagues on specific issues critical to our work. During the Membership Roundtable Discussions period, attendees had the chance to join in three such conversations! Based on membership suggestions, 10 topic areas were identified and a bonus wildcard topic was added! Each topic was offered three times — once each round at 1 pm1:30 pm, and 2 pm. Roundtable discussion topics included:

  • Engaging in SoTL during COVID-19
  • The role fo educational development during COVID-19
  • Accessibility and universal design in remote settings
  • Supporting the shift to online work (e.g. teaching, learning, faculty programming)
  • Post-COVID educational development
  • Anti-racism and inclusion in educational development
  • Indigenization and decolonization in higher education
  • Responding to provincial initiatives (e.g. micro-credentials, experiential learning)
  • Resilience, self-care, and balance for educational developers during COVID-19
  • Getting started and building networks in educational development
  • Wild card!

The Fall Meeting came to a close with an update from our COU representative, Katarina Todic, Senior Policy Analyst, followed by an introduction to our new Chairs-Elect, Robin Sutherland-Harris and Meagan Troop and very heartfelt thanks to our outgoing Chair, Sally Heath, before concluding with a look ahead to the coming year.

The executive is grateful to all who attended for bringing such energy and collegiality to the event. We are very appreciative of the level of engagement and care we see in this community and look forward to navigating 2021 with you!

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