COED Fall Meetings: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Discussion Notes
Below are some thoughts that emerged from our group discussions at our November 22, 2013 meeting.
What is Educational Development?
- Knowing what you know, what you don’t know, and what to do about it
- Helps people get started
- Introduces new methods and tools
- Network brokers
- Showcase and support others
- Educating chairs/deans to recognize educational development
- Identifying gaps in practice
- Use of evidence of learning outcomes
Why do it?
- You care about student learning
- Long career
- Motivation
- Efficacy/confidence
- Rewards (tenure, promotion, etc.)
- Self-preservation
- Efficiency
- Reduce anxiety
- Pride in one’s work/recognition
- Expectation/accountability/mandate)
- Sense of belonging (community, etc.)
- Feeling of contribution
- Autonomy/mastery/contentedness
- Paying it forward
Where does it happen?
- Formal training/programs (grad, TA, continuing…)
- Alone (reflection)
- Dept. meeting/reviews/retreats/curriculum planning
- Networks (both informal and formal)
- Reading, writing, and talking
- Professional/disciplinary updating
- Sabbatical
- Mentoring/coaching/informal one-on-one relationships
- Classroom-practical research and inquiry
- Lunch chats
- Book clubs/reading groups
- Senate committees
- Multi-section meetings
- Sitting on grant or T&L committees
- Discipline-specific workshops
- Community of practice within centre
How does it occur?
- There are many stakeholders – faculty developers are not the sole source
- Consider standards of practice in professions – what can we learn from these (pros/cons)?
- Challenge assumptions
- What (critical/creative) questions do I ask about my practice?
- Culture of “risk-taking”/timing of “risk-taking”
- Individual/collective or collaborative opportunities
- Moving beyond comfort zone/discipline areas
- Learning outcomes consultations
- Showcasing good teachers
- Individual consultations
- Grants within centre
- Workshop attendance
- Course attendance
- Peer observations
- Mentoring a GA or TA
- Mentoring colleagues
- LMS or IT training
- Undergraduate research
- Changing design of course
- Policy development
- Partnering with industry (service/community learning)
- Reading literature
- Co-teaching
- Viewing TED talks/videos
- Reading student comments at end of semester, and finding ways to utilize the feedback
- Listserv participation
- Publication or presentation related to T&L
- Researching content for a course
- Rewarding/recognizing/valuing good teaching
- Engaging in SOTL
Updates from the Community and Ideas for Collaboration
Intended Session Outcomes
By the end of this session, we will be able to:
- Share key highlights and challenges from across our institutional practices
- Develop ideas for collaboration
- Prioritize key areas for collaboration to inform COED
Guiding Questions
- What have been the major activities in your centre this year?
- What worked well and not so well?
- Do you have ideas of ways we can collaborate in the coming year?
Ideas for Collaboration
- Centre Exchanges (people) – 28 votes
- Online modules (e.g. graduate student development, AODA, academic integrity) – 23 votes
- PIF Summit (for sharing/to benefit from outcomes) – 20 votes
- Peer review for support with development – 20 votes
- Critical friend/college
- A model that allows for reflection, creativity but that still valuable for program review
- Sharing expertise “How to” prioritizing materials/programs, sustainable models
- Streamlining of events/workshops and sharing of past recordings – 15 votes
- Group sponsorship of visiting scholars in educational development – 14 votes
- Sharing qualitative/quantitative methods of assessing impact and quality of work/scope – 13 votes
- Faculty engagement (e.g. Teaching Fellows, what counts as faculty development etc.) – 12 votes
- Road map of expertise within each centre – 10 votes
- A better way to share resources (CC) – 7 votes
- Teaching Assessment (course evaluations for faculty and TAs) – 5 votes
- Targeted interest group meetings (pre/post COED) – 4 votes
- Research on the scholarship of teaching and learning – 4 votes
- Learning outcomes & assessment guidebooks: share! Do not reinvent the wheel. Colleges have much material on this. Then fine-tune to own institution. – 3 votes
- Project management (sharing of projects in progress and strategies for tracking projects) – 3 votes
- What is the identity of COED? How ill defining “it” help to create definition internally and externally – 3 votes
- Share teaching observation activities (e.g. open up a visiting scholar talk to other universities) – 2 votes
- E-learning: share module development – 2 votes
- Improved communication – 1 vote (website is a boon in this area)
- Shared professional development events
Highlights and Challenges (General)
- Change Management: Perceptions, processes, responsibilities (identity)
- Growth Management: Responding to requests (victim of success), growth of mandate/staff, policy
- Strategic Planning and Prioritization: Our own activities & institutionally, project management
- New facility
- Change in CPR template
- Science and Engineering reaching out for consultations (assessment and QA)
- Blended courses (gaining interest)
- Wiki community of practice
- Transition
- Collaboration regarding quality assurance and graduate skills
- Change and growth (doing more with less) – imbalanced growth, increased demand, not enough staffing
- Scope creep (included in a lot) – how to find balance with core activities
- Program prioritization
- Integrated Planning (greater institutional presence)
- Accountability agenda
- E-learning, blended learning
- New programs, processes and collaborations (Project management skills are important)
- Teaching Fellows Programs
- Changes in Centre roles and arrangements
- Using data to support our work and mining data too (programmatic, curricular, strategic)
- Curriculum and assessability
- Mission creep, expanding scope, while maintaining services
- Visiting scholars in ED (international)
- Increasing interest in online and hybrid learning
- Conflicting demands and priorities
- Raised profile and expectations
- More ‘soft’ money
- Inaugural Teaching and Learning Day
- Increasing participation
- New Initiatives (certificate program, SoTL Insitute)
- New directions
- New names
- Prioritizing SoTL
- Recognizing ED publishing
- SoTL awards
- SoTL workshops and discussion groups
- Hosting STLHE
- Hosting major events
- Online learning institute
- Strengthening collaboration (online)
- Strengthening visibility
- New people, opportunities
- New positions
- Successful events with TAs Gas
- Annual conference with Oakland
- Curriculum mapping (admin support and funds, resources)
- New positions, leadership
- Bond with Vice-Deans (lunch, QA)
- Interest in curriculum design courses
- Blended learning and funding
- OURE subscription
- Resources
- Faculty engagement
- Organizational change (roles)
- Prioritizing programs (saying “no”)
- Time/resources (not enough)
- Moving culture of e-learning and online “stuff” (evaluations) forward
- Sustainable models for services and systems (e.g. evaluations of teaching and evaluating our own work
- Lack of engagement and buy-in for ED
- Meeting AODA standards for 2014 (e.g. website, technologies, captioning, etc)
- Quality assurance for every program
- Need for website improvements
- eLearning – blended or fully online?
- Not familiar with other programs/activities within the unit
- People and Time (get enough resources)
- Keep doing work that succeeds and new stuff too
- Blended learning and execution
- Web situation (updating content, registration)
- Collaboration and differences (ED dev, ID, IT)
- Attracting and keeping people