COED Fall Meetings: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Updates from the Community
Brock University, Centre for Teaching, Learning & Educational Technologies
- CTLET is partnering or taking the lead on many new initiatives (online learning, copyright, service learning, faculty events, curriculum review) (see challenges).
- Continue to expand workshop series and programming including a number of new workshops brokered through outreach to the Faculties (see new initiatives).
- Tribute to Teaching, held annually for the past 7 years, is a celebration of teaching. Awards are conferred (Early Career, Teaching Large Classes, Sessional teaching) and the event also showcases an address by our Brock University Distinguished Teaching award recipient.
- The Centre grows in terms of resources and staffing (1 full-time hire for Sakai support and 2 new part-time hires for TA support). (see challenges re space!)
New Initiatives
- Assumed responsibility for the development of online learning across the University.
- In collaboration with the Library, CTLET assumed responsibility for educating the Brock community on copyright issues and fair dealing t
- Workshop program for International TAs.
- Narrative Institute hosted in August 2011 was facilitated by Glenys Wilson Boutlbee from Catalyst Consulting in Alberta. We subsequently formed a Narrative Learning community
- Faculty development workshop, scheduled for December 2011, entitled The Slow Professor, led by Profs. Barbara Seeber and Maggie Berg from Queens U, builds on a CAUT survey that found most academics were highly stressed and proposes way to slow down in academia.
- David DiBattista, Faculty member in Psychology, joins the CTLET as a Faculty Associate responsible for assessment and evaluation.
- Karen Burke da Silva, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning, School of Biology, Flinders University, Adelaide, Southern Australia is scheduled for December 12, to offer a workshop (co-sponsored by Faculty of Maths and Science and CTLET) on Transition from a traditional lecture-based first-year biology course to an interactive inquiry-based course.
- DLES and GDLES: Helping departments think about their programs and their curriculum, and in terms of learning outcomes and expectations.
- SPACE – Our mandate is expanding and we have no space. New hires are virtually “virtual”
Carleton University, Educational Development Centre
- Sustained interest in faculty certificate program
- Expanding certificate program for contract instructors
- Expanding TA mentorship program
- Offered certificates in teaching and educational technology in Rwanda
- Developed online options for TA training
- Inclusion in all major University initiatives
New Initiatives
- Preparing to Teach – 8-week teaching program for PhD students
- Faculty retreat on multiple choice item development
- Three new teaching awards – one with Provost’s office, called “Provost’s Fellows”
- ID support to help faculty develop online courses
- Peer observations for TAs
- New TA website with pedagogical support
- Balancing time commitments
- Alternatives to “the clock”
- Trepidation from faculty and TAs in pursuing active training
- Creativity in balancing resource demands
- Budget cuts
University of Guelph, Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support
- Supporting curriculum committees re learning outcome and continuous improvement plans
- Collaborating with AVPA’s office to create guide to developing and assessing learning plans
- Creating online journal to coincide with 25th anniversary of Teaching and Learning Innovations conference
New Initiatives
- Began 3-year collaborative project with Learning Outcomes Educational Support group to develop snazzy new resources
- Started social media strategy with Twitter and Facebook
- Piloted Cross-Cultural Teaching Program for TAs who see themselves as from minority backgrounds
- Started first community of practice
- New program for faculty: Educational Leadership in Teaching Excellence
- Major changes – merged with Office of Open Learning, changed name, new staff, lost staff, new director
Lakehead University, Instructional Development Centre
- Hosted first “Teaching and Learning Week” – 4 workshops, lecture by winner of Distinguished Instructor Award, opening of Learning Commons
- 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium – keynote by Frank Robinson
- Next Teaching and Learning Week in December
New Initiatives
- New alternative to Graduate Student Teaching Practicum: Graduate Student Teaching Workshop Option. Attend 8 workshops, write a critical reflection, create teaching philosophy. Get a letter of recognition. Intended to reach those with less time.
- Difficult to develop, enhance, sustain programming when you’re the only employee!
OCAD University, Centre for Innovation in Art and Design Education
- Founded Centre for Innovation in Art & Design Education which includes Academic Support Services for Students and the Faculty and Curriculum Development Centre (collocated) as well as the Office of Continuing Studies
- Initiated a program of Professional Development for Instructors
- Planned and implemented a campus-wide Student Feedback on Courses model
- Conducted an e-learning technologies review and selection process; currently in first stage of a scaled implementation of a new LMS, Canvas by Instructure
- Heavily engaged in preparation and implementation of the IQAP and new Academic Plan
New Initiatives
- Curriculum Mapping and e-Portfolio Project
- Action Research Project on Teaching and Learning by Critique
- Development of a hybrid course model for Experiential Learning Courses
- Transforming annual BIG TALK lecture on Teaching and Learning to a one-day conference
- Uncertain budget
- Lack of staff
- Multiple strategic priorities allocated to the Centre and tight timelines
Queen’s University, Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Expansion of Teaching Development Workshop series
- Discontinuation of English Language Communication Skills for Teaching Purposes an d English Communication Assessment
- CTL website change
- Mazur presentation on “Memorizing or Understanding: Are we teaching the right thing?”
- Launch of Emerging Leadership Initiative
- Budget submission
New Initiatives
- Adventures in Active Learning event
- Teaching Tab on University home page
- Focus on Diversity program (redesigned)
- 20th-anniversary celebrations – Jan 16th will be CTL Day, new graphic, launch of Innovation in Teaching prize, Cross-Faculty Teaching Forum
- Labour action involving two bargaining units
- New accountability and quality assurance frameworks
- New operational and budgetary processes
- Continuing financial restraints
- New academic plan for the University
- New University Brand
- New Provost and VP-Academic
University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation
- Navigating Your PATH: Exploring and Supporting Teaching Assistant and Graduate Student Development conference
- Funding for CTSI space renovations ($1.3 million!)
- Funding to support SoTL
- 3 OCUFA awards, 1 3M National Teaching Fellowship
- Increased and diversified staffing – Institutional Academic Technology Strategist, Course Evaluation Officer, Assistant to Directors, Faculty Liaison
- Partnerships with UofT Teaching Academy, Office of the CIO, UofT Libraries, Academic Success Centre, etc.
New Initiatives
- Course Evaluation Framework
- Course Design Institute
- Online Modules to Support Instructors
- Student-Faculty Interactions
- Communications – diversified outreach, online modules, etc.
- Instructional Technology Innovation Fund
- Strategies to support SoTL
- Increased requests for CTSI expertise and support
University of Waterloo, Centre for Teaching Excellence
- Two new hires – Instructional Developer, Curriculum and Programming and Instructional Developer, Consulting and Research
- New office space to bring staff together
- Survived transition to Desire2Learn* Implemented new system to track and report on work
- New grad student programming – Fundamentals of University Teaching – as pre-req for Certificate in University Teaching
- Increased uptake of curriculum services – 25%+ of faculty members over the year
New Initiatives
- Task Force on Innovative Teaching Practices to Promote Deep Learning
- New Opportunities and New Directions conference in April 2012
- Ongoing strategic planning, uncertainty re teaching and learning priorities at each level
University of Western Ontario, Teaching Support Centre
- New Centre for Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, affiliated with TSS and Faculty of Education
- Fall Perspectives on Teaching conference – focused on internationalization, Darla Deardorff keynote
- New purple guide: The Western Guide to Professional Master’s Programs, Gloria Leckie
- Expanded international TA language workshops
- Introduced the Instructional Skills Workshop and Facilitators Development Workshop to faculty members at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- Hosted four international scholars
New Initiatives
- New purple guide, Working with TAs, due fall 2011
- New discipline-specific learning communities for TAs in Social Science and Engineering
- American edition of e-book, Surviving and Thriving in Canadian Academia, completed and will be marketed to US. Canadian edition an international success
- Reduction to base operating budget has placed constraints on programming – two fewer sessions of TA Training Program, cut grad student/post-doc pronunciation course, no new programming for faculty
Wilfrid Laurier University, Teaching Support Services
- Communities of Practice focused on different themes have been created, each with a wiki
- Integrated grad student development opportunities
- New policy being developed on use of mobile devices in teaching spaces
- Media Technologies Resources merged with Information Technology Services (former part of TSS)
- Surveyed students on preferences re: taking courses in summer months
- Hiring new blended-learning specialist
- Initiatives to make development and instruction of online courses more transparent.
New Initiatives
- Welcomed first Associate Vice-President of Teaching and Learning (Dr. Pat Rogers)
- Quality Assurance Office and new position (Manager: Academic Program Development and Review) created within TSS.
- Four-day new faculty orientation program,Foundations for New Faculty
- New training room available – renovated in partnership with three other units
- TSS and reporting subunits – revised mission and mandates statements
- Supporting multi-campus staff, faculty and students with respect to TSS programming, events, initiatives
- Identifying best ways to connect with faculty – just-in-time
University of Windsor, Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Annual Celebration of Teaching Excellence – 200+ participants, 31 award winners
- Grants to evaluate impact of, and develop new, programs – $140,00 in provincial and university-level funding, including partnerships with several departments on campus
- Centred on Learning Innovation Funds – this year’s theme will be open and online learning
- Increased participation – 749 unique workshop participants, approximately 2,600 contact hours through workshops; thousands of campus members in one-on-one consultations; record number of participants in graduate courses and half-courses (more than triple the number of faculty and sessionals from previous year)
- Second cohort of first-level University Teaching Certificate Program graduated in November 2011; second level begins January 2012.
- 100% of faculty members hired over the last year participated in CTL events
- 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference (in partnership with Oakland University) –183 participants from 24 institutions in Canada, the US, and Jamaica.
- GA/TA Network – a partnership with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. First year saw presentations at several conferences, creation of a blog, Facebook and Twitter presence, and a teaching handbook for GA/TAs, Towards Better Teaching.
- LMS – New searchable support, MediaWiki, led to 80,000 views in three months. Upgrading to new version with new features. Survey conducted to assess preferences.
- Piloted Blackboard Collaborate
- Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching journal (CELT), now has online management system, about 60,000 downloads per month
New Initiatives
- None identified (though some in previous section are new!)
- Revising mission and mandate
- New Office of Open Learning – uncertain what its relation to CTL will be.