Leadership in Educational Development CoP

Co-led by Monica Vesely and Michal Kasprzak

Join the Leadership in Educational Development CoP in Fall 2022

The Leadership in Educational Development ActLS at COED is evolving to become a Community of Practice (CoP). After a couple of years of incredibly deep engagement with scholarship, sharing of and reflection on lived experiences, and rich conversations about the role of leadership in our professional lives, we synthesized our ideas into a model. We hoped to integrate the diversity of roles and contexts, multiple understandings and models of leadership, and fluid evolution of educational developers’ career journeys into a narrative that would resonate with our colleagues. We were fortunate to explore this model in a pre-conference session at this year’s annual EDC Conference, with the community offering incredibly insightful feedback. In the near future, we will reach out to those who engaged in our workshop to expand both the direction of our exploration and the circle of perspectives.

In the new CoP, we are expanding membership through a phased approach. In the first phase, we are going to open the invitation to those who participated in our EDC workshop and demonstrated an interest in our work. Please contact Monica Vesely and Michal Kasprzak to join the CoP. Information about the second phase will be posted at a later date.
