COED Newsletters

Next Newsletter: April 7, 2025 (content due March 31, 2025)

2025 Fall Newsletter

January 6, 2025

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Join us in 2025! Upcoming COED Community Events

Visit (and bookmark) COED’s “Important Dates” page for a list of COED community events, including:

COED Winter Programming

Action Learning Set (ActLS) and Communities of Practice (CoP)

  • Access and Accessibility in Educational Development ActLS Meeting: February 4, April 8
  • Curriculum CoP Meeting: January 28, February 25, March 25, April 29
  • Experiential Learning CoP: January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24
  • GenAI CoP: February 4, April 2
  • Graduate Student Development CoP: January 20, February 24, March 31
  • Indigenous CoP: January 17

Want to connect with the COED community on specific topics? Consider joining one or more COED Action Learning Sets (ActLS) and/or Communities of Practice (CoP). COED ActLS and CoP co-leads can email COED to add meeting sessions to the COED website.

COED Fall Meeting

Fall Meeting 2024 Plenary Recording

Missed the COED Fall Meeting 2024 plenary? Or would you like to re-experience Maha Bali’s plenary? Watch “Nurturing Socially Just Care and Wellbeing in the Age of Generative AI” with Dr. Maha Bali (1:28:06). Select “CC” for closed captioning.

Fall Meeting 2024 Reflection

We are grateful to all who attended our COED Fall Meeting 2024. As Co-Chairs (then Elects), Christopher Laursen, Shirley Hall, and Mercedes Cardella benefitted from the excellent input of a Planning Committee for the conference (Anish Arif, Lisa Endersby, Elita Laois, and Sam Yousefifard). The Planning Committee helped come up with our plenary speaker for this year, Maha Bali, and warmly invited her to share interactive time with us. Thank you so much to Maha for exploring the many layers of issues around generative artificial intelligence in our work as educational developers, especially as it intersects with equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization.

The Planning Committee also helped us determine the format of this year’s Fall Meeting. Where in previous years we had planned in-person days, this year’s planning faced some logistical hurdles in finding a physical location. We appreciated the Planning Committee’s support in envisioning a single virtual day on Friday, October 25.

On Friday, October 17, Christopher collaborated with Cosette Lemelin, the Chair of the Educational Developers Network of Alberta (EDNA), to co-facilitate a pre-Fall Meeting Workshop, “Setting boundaries as an educational developer: Your wellbeing matters,” which was a great success in introducing tools to manage boundaries in our profession.

Yorkville University generously sponsored our COED Fall Meeting 2024, with the University of Guelph’s Office of Teaching and Learning hosting the meeting on Zoom.

We would like to thank Nevena Martinovic and Lidya Salim of COED’s Accessibility Working Group, along with Co-Chair (now Past Co-Chair) Samantha Chang, for a session on the post-secondary recommendations for the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), which many higher education institutions are working to implement. Nevena and Christopher co-facilitated the session.

This year’s Fall Meeting, as always, was an opportunity to gather and reflect on how COED provides an umbrella for a variety of communities of practice, informal social gatherings (Fika Fridays), and co-mentorships, as outlined above. Brian Nairn and Samantha Chang showed our gratitude to Mel Young, who completed a three-year term supporting the COED executive! We also welcomed our new Co-Chairs-Elect, Andrew Molas and Angie Lyrette, who, with the support of the COED executive, will plan our next Fall Meeting.

Together, we provided an opportunity to think about what you would like to see COED continue to do, start doing, or change. We always value members’ comments, which we carefully consider in our ongoing activities and in planning the next Fall Meeting.

We hope that you, the membership, will continue to offer input as we provide spaces to share and learn together in our teaching and learning community! You are welcome to revisit materials shared in the COED Fall Meeting 2024 Documents folder on Google Drive. Looking forward to supporting each other in our community in the year ahead!

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