Learn more about the Terms of Reference, Constitution, and By-Laws that govern COED. A glossary of terms and acronyms is available below.
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Terms of Reference
We had been asked by the OCAV committee to work towards having the IDO-Ontario group become an Affiliate of COU, perhaps as a more formal group, as well as to explore the role of STLHE’s Regional Representatives in convening annual or biennial meetings. We were to have a firm answer to OCAV by late February/early March 2008. Instead, we had survey results to share and a mandate to carry on the discussion in person, which meeting turned out to be at STLHE 2008 at the University of Windsor. By November 2008 we passed a Constitution and By-Laws and by March 2009 had feedback from COU and OCAV that we passed in October 2009 electronically.
Our Constitution states that:
The aim of the COED shall be to act as a forum and space of collaborative activity for university, college, and independent consulting personnel charged with the design, delivery, and assessment of educational development programming in higher education in Ontario. The COED shall:
- Promote educational development, that is, the training of post-secondary educators in principles and best practices of course design, delivery, and assessment, the pedagogically sound use of learning technologies, and the theorizing of this growing field of practice and inquiry, as a basic function in tertiary education in Ontario.
- Represent and advocate for educational development and developers in Ontario post-secondary education.
- Concern itself with the quality of educational development programming in Ontario.
- Facilitate communication among members for purposes of professional development and common understanding.
- Coordinate the dissemination and archiving of resources useful to the work of educational development as prioritized by individual institutions as well as, where appropriate, by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) and its affiliate, the Ontario Council of Academic Vice Presidents (OCAV).
- Collaborate with other COU affiliates and counterparts in the College system as necessary and appropriate.
- Collaborate with the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
- Build partnerships with external groups and institutions for the betterment of our provincial tertiary education system and where possible, that of other provinces and nations.
- Support the work of the Council of Ontario Universities and of the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities where such work coincides with the aims and objectives of COED. In accordance with COU requirements, COED will not make representations to the Ministry on matters related to university governance, finance or enrolment without first reporting to OCAV and seeking, through OCAV, COU’s agreement.
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be the Council of Ontario Educational Developers (COED).
Article II: Affiliations
COED is affiliated with the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV), an affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities (COU).
Article III: Aims and Objectives
The aim of the COED shall be to act as a forum and space of collaborative activity for university, college, and independent consulting personnel charged with the design, delivery, and assessment of educational development programming in higher education in Ontario. The COED shall:
- Promote educational development, that is, the training of post-secondary educators in principles and best practices of course design, delivery, and assessment, the pedagogically sound use of learning technologies, and the theorizing of this growing field of practice and inquiry, as a basic function in tertiary education in Ontario.
- Represent and advocate for educational development and developers in Ontario post-secondary education.
- Concern itself with the quality of educational development programming in Ontario.
- Facilitate communication among members for purposes of professional development and common understanding.
- Coordinate the dissemination and archiving of resources useful to the work of educational development as prioritized by individual institutions as well as, where appropriate, by the Council of Ontario Universities and its affiliate, the Ontario Council of Academic Vice Presidents (OCAV).
- Collaborate with other COU affiliates and counterparts in the College system as necessary and appropriate.
- Collaborate with the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE).
- Build partnerships with external groups and institutions for the betterment of our provincial tertiary education system and where possible, that of other provinces and nations.
- Support the work of the Council of Ontario Universities and of the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities where such work coincides with the aims and objectives of COED. In accordance with COU requirements, COED will not make representations to the Ministry on matters related to university governance, finance or enrolment without first reporting to OCAV and seeking, through OCAV, COU’s agreement.
Article IV: Membership
COED, like its national counterpart the Educational Developers Caucus of STLHE, defines itself as a community of practice. Invited to join are those who have current, former or imminent responsibility for planning, organizing, or delivery of educational development programmes or activities within post-secondary education in Ontario, and who support the aims of COED.
Article V: Powers
The COED shall have power to establish its own By-Laws and to appoint committees or task forces in order to fulfill its purposes.
Article VI: By-Laws
By-Laws may be adopted, amended, suspended or rescinded by a simple majority of members of the COED present and voting at any meeting at which quorum is declared, provided that written notice of motion be sent to the entire membership not less than ten days prior to the date of the meeting. Voting on By-law adoptions, amendments, suspensions or rescindments by secure electronic means is acceptable with at least two weeks notice followed by two weeks in which to vote. In the case of electronic voting, a simple majority of votes cast shall be considered equivalent to a simple majority of members present.
Article VII: Constitutional Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members of the COED present and voting at any meeting, provided that written notice of the proposed change or substance thereof be sent to the entire membership not less than ten days prior to the date of the meeting and provided either that at least two-thirds of the members are in attendance or alternatively that quorum is declared and fully two-thirds of all members have votes counted either at the meeting or prior to it via secure electronic means .
Article VIII: Dissolution of the Council
The COED may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members of the COED present and voting at any meeting, provided that written notice of the proposed dissolution be sent to the entire membership not less than ten days prior to the date of the meeting and provided either that at least two-thirds of the members are in attendance or alternatively that quorum is declared and fully two-thirds of all members have votes counted either at the meeting or prior to it via secure electronic means.
(Updated 2015)
By-Law I. Officers Constituting the Executive Committee
In this document, Officer or Chair may refer to single person or two people acting as co-officers. The Officers of COED who shall each serve a three-year term (non-renewable) as they rotate through specific positions shall be:
- A Chair, who shall arrange meetings, consult with members in the preparation of agendas, distribute agendas at least ten days in advance of meetings and liaise with OCAV and other relevant organizations.
- An immediate Past-Chair (in the first two years of the existence of COED, this role shall be taken up by a member of the task force charged with the creation of the COED, to be selected by the other COED Members), who shall chair the Nominating Committee and oversee elections.
- A Chair-Elect who shall perform Secretarial and Communications duties internally, namely maintain a current list of members, maintain minutes of meetings, and organize communications with the Officers and the membership, and who shall fulfill the Chair’s duties should the Chair be unable to or absent.
Additionally, the following positions shall be created as needed:
- A Treasurer (ex officio), who shall be responsible for all finances associated with COED business. Since no money currently is involved in the business of COED, this seat can remain vacant until such time as it becomes necessary to fill it.
- A number of positions (ex officio) appointed or elected for specific tasks or projects, who shall lead working groups or committees as needed and report on.
By-Law II. Meetings
Meetings shall be called by the Chair or the Executive Committee in the Fall term of each year, if feasible, at any national events, or at other times as required, or upon the written request of six members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. The Fall meeting shall be the annual meeting. Meetings of the Executive shall be monthly by teleconference or other means, and any meetings of Committees and/or Task Forces shall be set as needed.
By-Law III. Attendance
A member of COED who is unable to attend a meeting may delegate another member of COED to attend and vote at the meeting as proxy (but not to act as an officer).
By-Law IV. Quorum
Members present and delegated proxies constitute quorum for regular business of COED at any meeting. A simple majority of members present and proxies shall be sufficient to carry out normal business of the group.
By-Law V. Elections
The election of officers shall take place by secure and accessible electronic means during the two months prior to the annual meeting as per By-Law 2. A Nominating Committee, consisting of the Immediate Past-Chair, as chair, and two other members selected at the previous annual meeting of the COED, shall present a slate of nominees reflecting the various regions and sizes of institutions. If there is more than one nomination for an office, the meeting shall agree on election rules before voting. No one shall be nominated without his/her consent.
By-Law VI. Replacements
An officer, including one of two co-officers, who finds it necessary to relinquish office, shall be replaced by a successor elected within two months of the vacated role for the unexpired term of the current role. Should one of a pair of co-officers agree to continue as a sole officer, no election is necessary.
By-Law VII. Voting
Each individual member of the COED shall be entitled to one vote. The (Co)Chair(s) may vote. Voting on all matters may occur by secure, accessible electronic means. A simple majority of votes cast shall be binding for regular business, including By-Law changes and elections.
By-Law VIII. Rules
The functions of COED and the conduct of its members shall be governed by the regulations:
- Contained in the Terms of Reference, Constitution, and By-Laws of the COED
- Contained in Sturgis, Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, latest edition
Terms & Acronyms Glossary
Terms & Acronyms | Description |
COU | Council of Ontario Universities (Presidents and peers) |
EDC | Educational Developers Caucus (of STLHE) |
GDLEs | Graduate Degree-Level Expectations |
HEQCO | Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario |
ICED | International Consortium for Educational Development (made up of many organisations, including STLHE, POD, etc.) |
IJAD | International Journal for Academic Development (ICED's journal — our journal!) |
OCAV | Ontario Council of Academic Vice Presidents |
OCGS | Ontario Council on Graduate Studies |
STLHE | Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education |
UDLEs | Undergraduate Degree-Level Expectations |